Data is a powerful tool for improving the customer and employee experience.
Just like our customers, we have to produce sustainably, offer a quality experience and meet the latest industry expectations. Data is a powerful enabler for us in overcoming these challenges. The Integrated Bulk Operations(1) program, which is currently being rolled out, is a good example. By digitally connecting logistical assets (production plants, tanks installed on customers’ sites or trucks), we are able to collect and analyze data to optimize the liquid gas supply chain in real time. The key here is that our logistics teams can anticipate customer requests and identify the right time for delivery by organizing more efficient and reliable delivery rounds. This gives us an agile logistics chain for better customer service while lowering our CO2 emissions!
Our employees are experts in our business processes and are in close contact with our customers. So involving them from the start is crucial when working together to build solutions that can improve our operational efficiency. This in turn provides a better customer experience. For example, the Digital and R&D teams worked with operators in France to design a solution that would increase their productivity in preparing customer orders for gas cylinders while optimizing handling operations.
Supporting decision-making, anticipating needs, managing performance and more. There is a wealth of data available and our teams were quick to see the value in capitalizing on it. So much so that you hear them talking about “their” data. Now the challenge is to upskill and train teams, an indispensable investment that maximizes the potential of data. In the future, using data will be part and parcel of employees’ everyday work.