2022 Annual Report


Air Liquide's Normand'Hy electrolyzer project on page 36 is supported by:

Funded by the European Union. Next Generation EU
France 2030
Financé par Gouvernement Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. France relance
bpi france - servir l'avenir

Complimentary copy. Published by the Communications department of the Air Liquide Group, 75 quai d’Orsay, 75007 Paris, France

Publication Director: François Jackow.

Editor: Domitille Fafin.

Date of publication and legal deposit: April 2023. ISSN: 2803-6220.

Photo credits: in order of appearance, p. 1: Isegoria/Havas Events, p. 4: Wachirawit Jenlohakit/Getty Images, p.5: Adrien Daste All rights reserved, p. 6: Adrien Daste Air Liquide, p. 7: Alexander Spatari/Getty Images Frédérique Plas/Caisse des Dépôts, p. 8: krisanapong detraphiphat/Getty Images All rights reserved, p. 9: Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty Images Gabo Morales/CAPA Pictures, p. 10-11: Ippei Naoi/Getty Images, p. 12: Antoine Doyen, p. 13-16: Mourad Mokrani Colin Rowe Zhao Wei, p. 18-19: Antoine Doyen Julien Lutt / CAPA Pictures Carlos Crespo / CAPA Pictures Laurent Attias/Edenred, p. 20-21: Franck Juery Terry Halsey Mourad Mokrani Habibullah Qureshi Mujeebullah Qureshi, p. 26-27: AJ_Watt/Getty Images, p. 29-31: Erik Forster/CAPA Pictures Sasol, p. 32-35: Elio Carchidi/CAPA Pictures, p. 36-39: Carlos Ayesta/CAPA Pictures, p. 40-41: Adrien Daste Gauge Theory Creative kontrast-fotodesign/Getty Images, p. 42-43: Colin Anderson Productions/Getty Images Mrz producer/ Shutterstock, p. 45-47: Adrien Daste Xavier Keutch/CAPA Pictures Jennifer Altman/CAPA Pictures, p. 48-51: Jacobo Medrano/CAPA Pictures, p. 52-53: Mystic Image Productions Adrien Daste, p. 54-55: Anton Petrus/Getty Images Kryssia Campos/Getty Images, p. 56-57: Mourad Mokrani, p. 58: Alicia's Photography, p. 59: Egbert Trogemann/CAPA Pictures, p. 60: Antonin Weber/CAPA Pictures, p. 61: Raphael Olivier/CAPA Pictures, p. 62: Thomas Laisné/La Company, p. 63: Adrien Daste.

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Printers: Imprimerie Snel.

L’Air Liquide - S.A. company established for the study and application of processes developed by Georges Claude with issued capital of 2,878,976,490.50 euros.