2023 Shareholder's Guide

Advancing to serve our Shareholders

Supporting you on a daily basis

Air Liquide and I go back a long time. For me, it is an inheritance that has spanned the 20th century, so Air Liquide holds a special place in my heart. The Group pampers its Shareholders, and I particularly appreciate the attentiveness, the dedicated service and the commitment of the advisers. I really feel like a VIP!”
Delphine G. A direct registered Shareholder for the past 11 years (with a share portfolio dating to 1913).

Making shareholding accessible to everyone

Parlons Actions webinars

On October 20, three experts from the Shareholder Services Department held a live discussion with individual Shareholders during the webinar “Shareholding in practice.”

Saphia Lesieur,

Marketing and Individual Shareholding Development Project Manager

Hélène Gateau,


Anne-Laure Martinon,

Head of Securities Operations and Registered Shares Management

Louis Laffont,

Head of Marketing and Individual Shareholding Development