Our performance seen by our Shareholders

Investing with a shared goal: inventing the future!

“As in sport, a company needs to be steady and to have stamina – without going too fast. That’s when we reach our goal: a good portfolio.”

Kelly P.Shareholder for two years

“I’m investing in a company that is positioned in a number of sectors (space, healthcare, automotive) whose technologies impact everyone’s lives. I have confidence in this investment in line with my values.”

Edgar T.
Shareholder for four years

“I receive dividends every year, which I reinvest in new shares. I’m confident that this will help me prepare for retirement.”

Moshé S.Shareholder for 22 years

“Air Liquide’s great strength is the steady increase in its share price. There is also stability in terms of dividend distributions to Shareholders. Air Liquide is a company that confirms the adage that, over the long-term, shares remain the best investment!”

Emmanuel B.Shareholder for 17 years

36 pages