Annual Report 2023

Strategic Report

Air Liquide is taking action today and preparing the future to rise up to an ambitious challenge: delivering strong financial performance, by maintaining its growth dynamic and improving its profitability while promoting a greener industry, by meeting its commitments to reduce CO2 emissions and investing in the markets of the future.

To achieve these goals, the Group is acting on several levers: a dynamic pricing policy, regular efficiency gains and active management of its business portfolio.

In order to continue inventing the future, Air Liquide is raising its investments to a record level. This momentum is strong in the fields of energy transition, particularly in the carbon capture and hydrogen technologies, and electronics. Furthermore, these promising markets require a high degree of investment selectivity. The need to reduce CO2 emissions is now an integral part of any investment decision.

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

Our results

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

+5% to +6%Average annual sales growth(1)

Our results

Our results

+ 4 %

Annual sales growth


in 2023

+ 7 %

Annual sales growth


in 2022

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

> 10%Return on capital employed
(ROCE) from 20233

Our results

Our results


Recurring ROCE


Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

Reduction of CO2 emissions(4) in absolute value from 2025

Our results

Our results

On track

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

€16bnInvestment decisions over
the 2022-2025 period(5)

Our results

Our results


Industrial investment decisions

over 2022-2023

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

Our 2025 objectives and ambitions

>+160bpsIncrease of operating margin
between 2022 and 2025(6)

Our results

Our results

+150bpsIncrease of operating margin
over the 2022-2023 period(6) 

Having practically reached our margin target halfway through ADVANCE we now aim for a +320 bps increase, over the duration of the plan.

(1) Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of sales on a comparable basis over the 2021-2025 period.

(2) Comparable growth vs previous year. Change excluding the currency, energy (natural gas and electricity) and significant scope impacts.

(3) Based on the recurring net profit.

(4) Scopes 1 and 2.

(5) Cumulated industrial and financial investments decisions over 4 years 2022-2025.

(6) Sum of annual operating margin improvements in basis points, excluding energy passthrough impact.