Annual Report 2023

Strategic Report

Reducing CO2 emissions has become a major challenge for key players in industry and heavy mobility. Air Liquide has a comprehensive portfolio of technology and service solutions to support its customers’ decarbonization efforts around the world, from the supply of low-carbon industrial gases to CO2 capture and industrial process transformation.

Air Liquide thus provides its industrial customers with tailor-made solutions to support their decarbonization efforts and relies notably on a strategy centered on industrial basins to develop operational synergies.

And with ADVANCE, the Group is thus committed to decarbonizing its own operations; the objective being to start reducing its CO2 emissions in absolute terms around 2025.

Our objectives and ambitions

Our progress

Our objectives and ambitions

Our objectives and ambitions

-33%Reduction in absolute terms of the Group’s Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 2035 compared to 2020 baseline

Our progress

Our progress

On track

Our objectives and ambitions

Our objectives and ambitions

~50%of industrial investment decisions will be dedicated to the energy transition(1)

Our progress

Our progress

On track

Our objectives and ambitions

Our objectives and ambitions

75%of the Group’s 50 largest customers committed to carbon neutrality (scope 3 commitment) by 2025

Our progress

Our progress


of the Group’s 50 largest customers stated a carbon neutrality commitment

Our objectives and ambitions

Our objectives and ambitions

Carbon neutralityBy 2050, reaching carbon neutrality across the entire value chain

Our progress

Our progress


(1) Industrial investment decisions above €5 million over the 2022-2025 period.