Annual Report 2023

Strategic Report

Air Liquide is also involved in the K6 project, a partnership with cement manufacturer EQIOM. The aim is to make the Lumbres factory in northern France the first carbon neutral cement plant in Europe, by capturing almost 8 million tonnes of CO2 in the first 10 years of operation, thanks in particular to the Cryocap™ technology. In the same spirit, Air Liquide will also contribute to decarbonizing the Lhoist lime production plant in Réty, in the north of France.

Finally, as part of the D’Artagnan project, the CO2 captured at the two plants will be transported to a temporary storage platform at the port of Dunkirk, from where it will be shipped to be then sequestered between 1,000 and 2,000 meters below the North Sea. By 2027-2028, the D’Artagnan project will contribute to the reduction of emissions by 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

The Group also participates in many other initiatives of the kind in Europe, such as the Kairos@C, Antwerp@C, ECO Normandie and Callisto projects. These large projects show Air Liquide’s expertise and commitment to providing solutions to decarbonize both its own and its customers’ assets.

Up to 98% of CO2 captured thanks to the Cryocap™ technology

According to the IPCC, the intergovernmental panel on climate change, no single technology is a miracle solution, but CCS is an essential technology for limiting global warming to 1.5C or 2°C by 2100


“To best meet our customers’ needs, we draw on our more than 15 years of experience in this field. As a result, we can offer a portfolio of innovative technologies guaranteeing very high capture rates while optimizing the energy efficiency of installations.”

Florian GautierDirector of Energy Transition for Large Industries activity at Air Liquide