Annual Report 2023

Air Liquide Foundation:15 years of actions

Air Liquide Foundation: 15 years of actions


Air Liquide is committed to supporting local communities in the countries it operates in. Since its creation in 2008, the Air Liquide Foundation has taken action in three areas: environmental and medical research, access to employment and solidarity. This action is driven by the ambition to make a positive impact by providing on-the ground support and leveraging the skills and commitment of the Group’s teams to support local projects.

The very origin of the Air Liquide Foundation is based on the direct involvement of the Group’s employees. This is still one of its distinctive characteristics today. Each and every project is initiated by an employee and is followed by a colleague based locally, close to the project.

I recommended to the Air Liquide Foundation an association in which my husband does volunteer work. I believe that it is important to bring something personal to my community, in particular to children, thanks to my company’s support.

Lina FeudiAir Liquide Italy employee, sponsor of the Dynamo Camp’s project

500projects in 50 countries

in 15 years


2023 was particular as the Foundation celebrated 15 years of impactful initiatives, supporting over 500 projects across 50 countries since its creation. Notable actions supported last year included:

In France: Research into the respiratory system with Institut Pasteur

A fundamental of life  the ability to breathe naturally and easily  is not a given to everyone. This project led by a team from Institut Pasteur in Paris, is researching the treatment of pulmonary bacterial infections that affect patients with cystic fibrosis, and more generally patients with antibiotic-resistant infections.

In Spain: Access to employment through the Fundación Tomillo

This project supported young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to embark on comprehensive training in warehouse management and, as importantly, courses and mentoring in interpersonal skills in the business environment. Additionally, they could join a two-month internship at Air Liquide or one of five partner companies. The program has clear goals, and 100% of the participants qualified for certification at the end of the course.

In Asia and Africa: Solidarity

Giving access to education and training is part of its solidarity action. This year, the Foundation supports projects worldwide in order to offer young people from particularly disadvantaged backgrounds access to education in the Philippines, in Burkina Faso, in Mali and many other countries.