Annual Report 2023


Air Liquide

A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 72 countries with approximately 67,800 employees and serves more than 4 million customers and patients. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the company’s activities since its creation in 1902.

Complimentary copy. Published by the Communications department of the Air Liquide Group, 75 quai d’Orsay, 75007 Paris, France.

Publication Director: François Jackow. Editor: Domitille Fafin. Date of publication and legal deposit: April 2024. ISSN: 2803-6220. Photo credits: in order of appearance, p. 1: Ben Bergh/Capa Pictures, p. 2: Adrien Daste, p.5: Julien Lutt/Capa Pictures, p. 8: Thomas Laisné/La Company, p. 10: Thomas Laisné/La Company - All Rights Reserved, p. 11: Dmitrydesign/Shutterstock, p. 13: Gorodenkoff/Getty Images - Wayne Eastep/Getty Images - Sinology/Getty Images - Betsie Van Der Meer/Getty Images, p. 14: Adrien Daste, p. 15: Oliver Bellendir Photography, p. 16: Carlos Ayesta/Capa Pictures, p. 17: Carlos Ayesta/Capa Pictures - Air Liquide, p.18: Adrien Daste, p. 19: Adrien Daste - All Rights Reserved, p. 20: Antonio Hugo/Getty Images, p. 21: Adrien Daste, p. 22: Daniel Bosma/Getty Images -All Rights Reserved, p. 23: Air Liquide - All Rights Reserved, p. 24: Oliver Bellendir Photography - All Rights Reserved, p. 25: Gauge Theory Creative - Terry Halsey, p. 26: All Rights Reserved, p. 27: Adrien Daste - All Rights Reserved, p. 28: lisegagne/Getty Images - Mokrani Mourad photo, p. 29 : Andrea Campagnolo - All Rights Reserved, p. 30: Adrien Daste, p. 31: Carlos Ayesta/Capa Pictures, p. 32 : Adrien Daste, p. 33: Adrien Daste, p. 34: Matthieu de Valence, p. 35: Monty Rakusen/Getty Images - Nicolas Gouhier, p. 36: Monty Rakusen/Getty Images - All Rights Reserved, p. 37: Sophie Loubaton - Julien Lutt/Capa Pictures, p. 38: Evgeny Atamanenko/iStock, p. 39: Alexis Toureau/Capa Pictures, p. 40: Bryan Meltz - All Rights Reserved, p. 41: Adrien Daste, p. 42: Adrien Daste - All Rights Reserved, p. 43: N.Thomas/ Capa Pictures, p. 44: Adam Hendrick, p. 45: Christel Sasso/Capa Pictures, p. 47: Thomas Laisné/ La Company, p. 48: Julien Lutt/Capa Pictures - Olga Kolleeny/ Capa Pictures - Thomas Cecchelani - All Rights Reserved - Airbus SAS - L’Oréal. Ref.: ALRA023. Printed by Handi’Print.

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L’Air Liquide - S.A. company established for the study and application of processes developed by Georges Claude with issued capital of 2,884,842,279.00 euros.