Indonesia Product Catalogue

4.8 FLOXALâ„¢

4. Premium Products


On-site Generators Solution

We offer high quality on-site generators under FLOXAL™, available for: Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen. For each molecule, various generation technologies are used to ensure customers' satisfaction at a competitive price. The installation, operation and maintenance, telemonitored performance tracking and full back-up are included in our services.

FLOXAL™ fits the needs of customers of various market segments such as Materials, Energy, Food, Pharmaceutical, Automotive, Fabrication, Technology, Research, and applications. The customers needs: 

  • O2, N2, H2 in gaseous phase, purity can be produced by generators. 
  • Relatively high level of demand (lower costs than bulk), best supplied by a dedicated generator. 
  • Continuous operation, stable flow rate, allowing the generator to run continuously at the highest utilisation rate.
  • Needs uninterrupted supply of gas with full back-up, even during utility failure. 
  • Needs dedicated local production to minimise transportation risks. 
  • Minimise cost with a more optimised investment, efficient energy consumption and reduced carbon footprint.