Anne-Laure Martinon, Head of Security Transactions & Register Management at Air Liquide
Air Liquide has just attributed free shares to all its Shareholders, at a rate of 1 free share per 10 held. The Group also regularly(1) distributes a portion of its retained earnings(2) in the form of free shares. Free shares are attributed to each of your securities accounts, regardless of the form in which your shares are held. If you have held direct registered shares in Air Liquide or intermediary registered shares via a bank for over two full calendar years, you may benefit from a loyalty bonus. This means that the number of free shares attributed to you will increase by 10%.(3) For example, if on June 7 you own 100 registered shares acquired before January 1, 2020, you will receive 11 (10 + 1) new shares. If the number of shares in your portfolio is not a multiple of 10, the corresponding share portion is paid directly to your bank account in the form of “fractional rights.”
(1) Nine free share distributions over the last 20 years.
(2) Share of previous net profit not distributed.
(3) Subject to the conditions defined by Air Liquide’s articles of association.
For more information, please consult the dedicated Factsheet in the Shareholders section on
Over 1 year | Over 1 year AIR LIQUIDE +14.20% |
Over 1 year CAC 40 +28.85% |
Over 5 years | Over 5 years AIR LIQUIDE +75.60% |
Over 5 years CAC 40 +47.11% |
Over 10 years | Over 10 years AIR LIQUIDE +141.65% |
Over 10 years CAC 40 +126.38% |
Share price as of 12/31/2021: €153.32. Performance calculated as of 12/31/2021 using the closing prices on 12/31/2020, 12/31/2016 and 12/31/2011. Any investment in shares carries a risk of capital loss. Past performance of the Air Liquide share is no guarantee of future performance. This does not constitute financial investment advice. You may consult the risk factors mentioned in the Universal Registration Document, available on
July 2022
* Subject to change.
Shareholder Services Department
TSA 91948 - 62978 Arras Cedex 9, France