sales growth : +4.3%
Operating margin
improvement: +70 bps(a)
Recurring ROCE
progress: +60 bps(b)
(a) Excluding energy impact.
(b) Return on Capital Employed based on Recurring Net Profit (excluding exceptional and significant operations not impacting the operating income recurring).
High level of investments, major signings in key basins
2019 : 3.2 billions euros
(kg CO2 /€ EBITDA)(c)
(c) Operating Income Recurring before Depreciation and at 2015 exchange rate.
+12.4% Strong dividend increase
Payout ratio: 58%
Dividend(e) in euro per share
+9.0 20 years CAGR *
Including free shares attribution every other year.
* Compound annual growth rate.
(d) Subject to the approval of shareholders during the General Meeting on May 5, 2020.
(e) Historical data adjusted for past free share attributions and for a factor of 0,974 reflecting the value of the rights of the 2016 capital increase.