Invitation to our General Meeting 2022

Extraordinary general meeting

Proposed resolutions and purpose

Extraordinary general meeting




As is the case each year, we ask you, in the 18th resolution, to authorize the Board of Directors to cancel any or all of the shares purchased in the share buy-back program and reduce share capital under certain conditions, particularly in order to fully offset, where necessary, any potential dilution resulting from capital increases relating to employee share ownership transactions.

The difference between the carrying amount of the canceled shares and their nominal amount will be allocated to reserve or additional paid-in capital accounts.

This authorization granted to the Board of Directors will be for a period of 24 months.


(Authorization granted to the Board of Directors for a period of 24 months to reduce the share capital by cancellation of treasury shares)

The Shareholders, deliberating according to the quorum and majority required for Extraordinary General Meetings after having reviewed the Report of the Board of Directors and the Statutory Auditors’ Special Report, authorize the Board of Directors to cancel, via its decisions alone, on one or more occasions, and within the limit of 10% of the Company’s share capital per 24-month period, any or all of the shares bought back by the Company within the scope of the authorization adopted by this Ordinary General Meeting in its fourth resolution and of those shares bought back within the scope of the authorization adopted by the Ordinary General Meetings of May 5, 2020, and of May 4, 2021, and to reduce the share capital by this amount.

The difference between the carrying amount of the canceled shares and their nominal amount will be allocated to any reserve or additional paid-in capital accounts.

This authorization is granted for a period of 24 months starting from the date of this General Meeting. It supersedes the authorization granted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of May 4, 2021, in its fourteenth resolution with respect to the non-utilized portion of such authorization.

Full powers are granted to the Board of Directors, with the possibility of sub-delegation under the conditions set by law, to implement this authorization, deduct the difference between the carrying amount of the shares canceled and their nominal amount from all reserve and additional paid-in capital accounts and to carry out the necessary formalities to implement the reduction in capital which shall be decided in accordance with this resolution and amend the articles of association accordingly.



The Combined General Meeting of May 5, 2020 authorized the Board of Directors, for a period of 26 months, to increase the share capital, on one or more occasions, through the incorporation of additional paid-in capital, reserves, profits or other amounts, including with a view to free shares attributions for Shareholders. This authorization has not been used.

As in 2020, in order to provide Shareholders with the right to express an opinion on such a capital increase during periods of takeover bids, it is proposed that this delegation of authority be suspended during periods of takeover bids.

The aim of the 19th resolution is to renew this authorization up to a maximum of 300 million euros.


(Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors for a period of 26 months in order to increase the share capital through the incorporation of additional paid-in capital, reserves, profits or any other amounts, for a maximum amount of 300 million euros)

The Shareholders, deliberating according to the quorum and majority required for Ordinary General Meetings, after having reviewed the Report of the Board of Directors and pursuant to articles L. 225-129-2, L. 225-130 and L. 22-10-50 of the French Commercial Code:

  • delegate to the Board of Directors, with the option of sub-delegation, the authority necessary to increase the share capital on one or more occasions, according to the terms and conditions and at the time it shall determine, through the capitalization of additional paid-in capital, reserves, profits or any other amounts that may be capitalized, the capitalization of which will be possible under the law and the articles of association, as a free share attribution to Shareholders and/or an increase in the par value of the existing shares;
  • the delegation thereby granted to the Board of Directors is valid for a period of 26 months starting from the date of this General Meeting, it being specified, however, that the Board of Directors will not be authorized to make use of it during periods of takeover bids on the Company’s share capital;
  • decide that the total amount of share capital increases likely to be performed thereby may not exceed 300 million euros, this limit being distinct and independent from the limit provided for in paragraph 2 of the fifteenth resolution passed by the General meeting of May 4, 2021 (or any resolution which would replace it at a later date), and may not in any case exceed the amount of the additional paid-in capital, reserves, profits or any other accounts referred to above that exist at the time of the capital increase (it being specified that these amounts do not include additional shares to be issued, in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory provisions, and, when relevant, contractual stipulations providing for other adjustments, to preserve the rights of holders of marketable securities or other rights conferring access to share capital);
  • decide that, should the Board of Directors use this delegation, in accordance with articles L. 225-130 and L. 22-10-50 of the French Commercial Code, fractional rights shall not be negotiable and the corresponding securities shall be sold; the sums resulting from such sale shall be allocated to the holders of rights under the applicable regulatory conditions;
  • take due note that this delegation supersedes any unused portion of the delegation granted to the Board of Directors under the fourteenth resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of May 5, 2020;
  • grant full powers to the Board of Directors, with the option of sub-delegation under the conditions set by law, to implement this delegation and in particular to set the terms of issue, to deduct from one or more "available reserves" accounts the costs arising from the share capital increase and, if deemed appropriate, all sums necessary to bring the legal reserve up to one-tenth of the new share capital after each share issue, duly record the completion of the resulting share capital increases, make the corresponding amendments to the articles of association and, generally, complete all the formalities relating to the share capital increases.