(Harmonization of articles 8 (Rights and obligations governing shares), 18 (General Meetings) and 23 (Disputes) of the Company’s articles of association with the legal and regulatory provisions in force)
The Shareholders, deliberating according to the quorum and majority required for Extraordinary General Meetings, after having reviewed the Report of the Board of Directors, decide to update articles 8 (Rights and obligations governing shares), 18 (General Meetings) and 23 (Disputes) of the Company’s articles of association in order to harmonize them with the legal and regulatory provisions in force.
The 3rd paragraph of article 8 of the articles of association will now be worded as follows:
Old wording | New wording |
Old wording
Subject to legal and regulatory restrictions, voting rights attached to the shares are proportionate to the capital quota they represent and each share confers the right to one vote. In accordance with the option provided for in paragraph 3 of article L. 225-123 of the French Commercial Code, double voting rights will not be conferred to paid-up shares and for which a nominative registration for at least two years in the name of the same shareholder can be proved. |
New wording
Subject to legal and regulatory restrictions, voting rights attached to the shares are proportionate to the capital quota they represent and each share confers the right to one vote. In accordance with the option provided by article L. 22-10-46 of the French Commercial Code, double voting rights will not be conferred to paid-up shares and for which a nominative registration for at least two years in the name of the same shareholder can be proved. |
The other paragraphs of article 8 shall remain unchanged.
The 4th paragraph of article 18 of the articles of association will now be worded as follows:
Old wording | New wording |
Old wording
The electronic signature can, when used, take the form of a process that satisfies the conditions defined in the first sentence of section 2 of article 1316-4 of the French Civil Code. |
New wording
The electronic signature can, when used, take the form of a process that satisfies the conditions defined in the second paragraph of article 1367 of the French Civil Code. |
The other paragraphs of article 18 shall remain unchanged.
The 3rd paragraph of article 23 of the articles of association will now be worded as follows:
Old wording | New wording |
Old wording
Failing election of domicile, summonses and notices are validly served at the Office of Public Prosecution of the French Republic at the High Court of Paris. |
New wording
Failing election of domicile, summonses and notices are validly served at the Office of Public Prosecution of the French Republic at the Paris judicial court. |
The other paragraphs of article 23 shall remain unchanged.