6. Related Equipment & Services
myGAS is a secure, self-service re-ordering portal for cylinder gasses that enables efficient transaction processing and provides immediate access to information. Users can effortlessly manage and get access to account information where and when it's needed. The myGAS Portal gives users convenient and hands-on access anytime, anywhere, reduce paperwork, decrease tedious record keeping and optimise on-site inventory of gases. Use myGAS portal to order fresh cylinders, view or download invoices, check credit status, optimise cylinder inventory and much more! Plus it safeguards critical documents such as Safety Data Sheets.
For more information on myGAS benefits and how to get started visit the myGAS portal Click To Visit
In addition to the gas cylinder and pallet supplies, Air Liquide also offers ARCAL™ gas solutions in bulk supply for customer that require a larger quantity of welding gas. The Dynamic On-site Mixer (D.O.M) maintains the quality and reliability of the gas to deliver a consistent welding arc every time and expected performance under any flow conditions.