Air Liquide rewards Shareholder loyalty!
To thank our Shareholders for their loyalty, we grant them an additional +10% on the amount of the dividend and +10% on the number of free shares when they are allocated.
To benefit from the loyalty bonus, you just need to hold registered shares for more than two full calendar years and still hold the shares on the day the dividend is paid or on the day the free shares are allocated. Thus, if you hold your shares:
If you hold shares in “bearer” form, please ask your financial institution to convert your shares to intermediary registered shares so that they can be registered before 31 December 2022. Please note that this conversion may take several weeks depending on the financial institution.
When you register shares, your loyalty is rewarded.
After holding shares for two full calendar years
amount of dividends
number of free shares
For your shares held:
I hold my shares in registered form for two full calendar years.
I benefit from the loyalty bonus for the first time for my registered shares.
I benefit from the loyalty bonus each year if I hold my shares in registered form.
The allocated free shares have the same features as the shares from which they are derived: seniority, voting rights, dividend and loyalty bonus (more details in the “Free Shares” Factsheet).
In the case of a gift (simple or hand-to-hand) to a spouse or a relative to the degree of succession or an inheritance, the loyalty bonus is preserved because the holding period is maintained (more details in the “Passing on shares” Factsheet).
(a) To be eligible for the loyalty bonus, you must ask your financial institution to convert your “bearer” shares to “intermediary registered”.