Vietnam Product Catalogue

7.4 Safe Handling of Liquid Gas Cylinder (LGC)

7. User Information

7.4 Safe Handling of Liquid Gas Cylinder (LGC)

Our LGCs are designed to withstand normal handling and vibration in transit. Nevertheless, there are various precautions that need to be adhered to for safe handling of our LGCs.

7. User Information

7.5 Operating Instruction of Liquid Gas Cylinder

Gas or liquid can automatically be disbanded at pre-set pressure by means of an inbuild vaporiser and pressure regulator.

For Gas Withdrawal
  1. Connect adaptor and regulator on to the Gas Use Valve (8) outlet.
  2. Open Pressure Building Valve (8) and also the Gas Use Valve (8). The pressure will reach the preset operating pressure and maintain it.
  3. Do not attempt to adjust The Pressure Building Regulator (2) as it has been factory-set to achieve correct operation.
  4. When gas is no longer required, first shut the Pressure Building Valve (3) and then shut the Gas Use Valve (8).
  5. If the LGC is kept unused over an extended period or if the Pressure Building (3) is left open after use there is possibility that the Pressure Relief Valve (7) will release the excessive pressure. This is a normal phenomenon. The pressure can also be reduce by slightly the opening the Vent Valve (4) in a well-ventilated area.
  6. Formation of ice on the other shell is expected in case where the draw-off rate of gas is excessive under prolonged usage.
For Liquid Withdrawal
  1. Connect one end of the stainless steel liquid transfer hose to the Liquid Use Valve (1) outlet on the LGC and the other end of the hose to the user’s equipment. 
  2. Liquid withdrawal from a liquid cylinder is normally performed at low pressure to minimize flash vaporization losses. Therefore the Pressure Valve Building (3) is normally kept close during liquid transfer.  If pressure exceeds the user’s recruitment, the excessive pressure can be relise to the Vnt Valve (4).
  3. Higher service pressure can be obtained by opening the Pressure Valve Building (3) up to the desired pressure and then shutting it.
  4. Keep the transfer hose as short as possible to minimize gas loss.
  5. Lines between the two valves must be equipped with a safety release valve.
  6. When filling an open neck dewar, fit a phase separator on the end of the transfer hose to minimize flash-off and spillage.